About all of Trump's lawyers quitting 1 week before impeachment trial:

So the ringleader, Butch Bower that they made so much about, was convinced to take on the case by Lindsey Graham, big time RINO who was probably trying to control things by pressing Bower to take the case, and insist that the legal strategy stay away from proving the election fraud and focus only on the unconstitutionality. But as they say in all the courtroom drama shows, Nancy Pelosi who brought the impeachment proceedings opened the door to the defense challenging on the grounds that she brought impeachment saying that Trump incited the crowd by making "false" claims of election fraud. It is not enough to focus on the constitutional grounds when they opened the door wide to bring evidence that the claim of election fraud was not false.

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There is a question of fact, indeed, several questions of fact, here: Did Mr. Trump know in advance that a group of his supporters were planning to storm the Capitol? Did he intend to encourage them? A full trial on the merits seems like a pretty good way to resolve questions of fact. I hope that's what we get in the Senate. Let the House prosecutors present all their evidence, and let Mr. Trump present whatever evidence he wants, and in the end the public will decide those questions of fact.

Note that I think it's a big mistake for the Democrats to proceed with this trial. They're throwing Brer Rabbit into the briar patch. Right now, Trump has no platform, no megaphone. The Democrats are going to hand him a huge one. He doesn't care if he wins or loses the impeachment trial. He's not going to run for president again at whatever age he'd be in 2024. But he'd love to convince the public he's the victim here and the Democrats are giving him the opportunity to do that. My guess is, having fired the real lawyers, he won't even argue the incitement point or the constitutional point. He'll just rant about how the election was stolen and his cult will believe him. He wants to be a kingmaker, and he hopes the cult will go where he says to go.

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