I wouldn’t trust this system, especially under this reckless administration. I see no need for the Fed Reserve and would like to see it demolished. Get government out of financial systems. Many government systems already hacked, so I see this one not any safer. Just a step away from global digital control.

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Here's an excerpt from Eustace Mullins book, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve:

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve - By Eustace Mullins


During this tragic period [the Depression], chairman Louis McFadden of the House Banking and Currency Committee continued his lone crusade against the "London Connection" which had wrecked the nation. On June 10, 1932, McFadden addressed the House of Representatives:

"Some people think the Federal Reserve banks are United States Government institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. The Federal Reserve banks are the agents of the foreign central banks. Henry Ford has said, 'The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts.' The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States by the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks."

On January 13, 1932, McFadden had introduced a resolution indicting the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for "Criminal Conspiracy".

"Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with the crime of having treasonably conspired and acted against the peace and security of the United States and having treasonably conspired to destroy constitutional government in the United States. Resolved, that the Committee on the Judiciary is authorized and directed as a whole or by subcommittee to investigate the official conduct of the Federal Reserve Board and agents to determine whether, in the opinion of the said committee, they have been guilty of any high crime or misdemeanor which in the contemplation of the Constitution requires the interposition of the Constitutional powers of the House."

More here on hero Congressman Louis McFadden:


Bottom line: private bankers/the banking cartel has taken over the world by getting the power to create money out of thin air and loan it to governments at interest. This model of banking started with the Bank of England in 1694. They control most governments from behind the scenes and are now using their control over the puppet governments to usher in their tyrannical Great Reset.

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Here's a recent post from financial expert, Greg Mannarino on how the central banks control puppet governments from behind the scenes:


Who collectively runs the entire financial system? Who runs the economy? Who runs world markets? The answer to all these questions is CENTRAL BANKS.

Central banks run the world, period. The illusion may be that Kings, Queens, Monarchs, Dictators, Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. along with so called representative democracies or “We the People” get any kind or choice is nothing but an illusion.

The dire situation regarding the world economy is deliberate, as central banks are collectively pushing it off of a cliff. If we were to look back on history, we would see that it is precisely these economic downfalls/situations which lead the world population into World Wars. War of course, is both the end game and the scapegoat which will be blamed by our so-called world leaders as the source AND REASON WHY the world economy is failing and inflation continues to skyrocket- anything to distract people from the real culprit, central banks.

War and the deliberate acceleration of the current systemic breakdown, open up a corridor to a new system of control which is already being pushed upon us by puppet governments. A new system of control, weaponizing world economies, markets, and modes of transaction against the people, especially the middle class. Central banks are the enemy, make no mistake about it.

Even ex-Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration, Robert Reich admits that the Federal Reserve controls the government:


Robert Reich understands the current power structure of the U.S. because he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a member of the CFR, and he was Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration. Robert Reich's January 7, 1999, article in USA Today states:

"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23]

The Fed is a privately owned central bank. They set the interest rate, they regulate the money supply, they control the U.S. economy, and they precipitated the current economic turmoil. How does the BOD control the federal government? They fund "cooperative politicians," and reward them when they retire.

And here's what is happening now--central banks around the world are working together to usher in the Great Reset and the new digital slave grid (CBDCs and Digital ID):

"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences." — Georgetown University, Professor of History, Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope

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The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE bank- it is as "federal" as Federal Express. Our founding fathers knew that the international bankers got control over nations by getting the power to issue the national currency (printed out of thin air and loaned at interest), which is why they specifically gave this power to Congress. Unfortunately, in 1913 the whores in Congress gave this power to private bankers by passing the Federal Reserve Act. The US government is in debt to private bankers who print/create money out of thin air and loan it to the government at interest. (the US government is in debt for money it could have printed itself)

For more on the banker takeover of America please watch the following:

G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, gives a 16 min presentation on the private central banker takeover of America: "Legalized Plunder of the American People" - G. Edward Griffin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WrMWK-FJzU

Bill Still's The Money Masters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlnM481Gcg&t=668s (a follow the money approach to history, going back to Rome, then Bank of England, how Rothschild banking family took over Europe and then America with the Federal Reserve, you will understand how and why we have wars and who ultimately benefits)

Just reading the quotes here will give a sense of how this system of debt enslavement works:



Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism (banker takeover in 1913 and the illegality of the income tax and the IRS) https://www.bitchute.com/video/HXx6oWdIHvgr/

Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrKf9nYeXT0

Money as Debt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nBPN-MKefA&t=373s (our money is issued as debt, if we pay off the debt, there will be no currency in circulation; President Abraham Lincoln broke free of the banking cartel by issuing his own currency (greenbacks), so they blew his head off)

F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money – How America Was Hijacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHs55X0K9dU&t=45s

And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt (http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/introduction.php)- an easy quick read, G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island, or Eustace Mullins The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

F William Engdahl's The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century


A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up

John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty https://archive.org/details/coleman-john-the-rothschild-dynasty/page/199/mode/2up (on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025)

James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.

Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Representative Charles Lindberg (R-MN)--This Act [Federal Reserve Act of 1913] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Henry Ford

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ― Benjamin Disraeli

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.

Book: "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency" http://newpeopleorder.com/

Please share this information. To fight back, we need a citizenry who is informed about and understands the nature of our monetary system. We must stop the CBDCs--if we allow CBDCs to be imposed on us, we will be slaves. In Bill Still's The Money Masters documentary, he says that most politicians do NOT understand the monetary system. Unfortunately, the only one who truly understood it was former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, who spent his career warning the American people about the Federal Reserve. I highly recommend people sign up for free at Dr. Paul's Campaign for Liberty and the John Birch Society, since both send out alerts on the CBDCs and give you ways to send messages to your representatives (at least we need to let them know that there are millions of angry citizens who do NOT want the CBDCs)

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I believe this is a way to invade. Peoples privacy ,an a start to a one world leader very damages to us all. I agree with everything Sandra wrote and if the people don't believe start reading the Bible God said it and that settle it.

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Absolutely....in no way do I trust the Luciferian criminal banking cartels of the world...they've created all the disasters we are experiencing now in the name of garnering exclusive power and control of the world. Get rid of all of these digital control mechanisms

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This is really bad news

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The plan all along of course.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

A new twist to me is these larger banks swooping in with deposits, which makes some sense in that the money doesn't disappear like it would in an outright collapse and losses. Money is the game and they need to defend it. I wonder what the big banks deposited in this smaller bank equals what was deposited in these larger institutions by those who got out early Hahahaha!

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This is their wet dream.

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Note the date on the instructional video is two years old.

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lets see..."we have got to do something to save the fake fiat money system we created that enabled us to bilk trillions of dollars from Americans. We will introduce a digital system to completely erase the checks and balances. In the process, we introduce full-on socialism by pushing AI technologies which will destroy tens of millions of real jobs and force down their throats a universal salary with some social strings attached...people will not be able to resist. We will save the system by destroying it...haha, and we'll call it creative destruction. People are stupid, they wont see or understand until its too late"

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The bank have always had a 'backdoor' where they could get cash to prevent a bank-run

Got to love that terminology 'back door' so woke, so USA.

So now they're going to setup a new website that's loosy-goosy on who gets to come to the back door, all done electronic and instant to prevent another SVB

Seriously should anybody fear this shit?

It just means that now every work bank in USA can fire its 'loss control' management, because now its all good

Will the new 'back-door' system even be public? That will be fun

'''The overnight bank funding rate is a measure of wholesale, unsecured, overnight bank funding costs. It is calculated using federal funds transactions'''

What I want to know is what will the interest rate be on this new backdoor(overnight) cash? Traditionally it ain't cheap, and during a bank run it goes ASTO, so to quote HRC "What difference does it make"

Our woke bank can bail itself out, but now it has MORE debt on the books do to interest payments, which mean less profitable

Oh, that's easy the woke will say "Why should banks make a profit", hmmmm Let's see how Jamie Dimon feels about that argument

All is bullshit

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A woke incompetent GOV releases the digital dollar, what could go wrong??

This will transpire a lot like 'obama-care', where SERCO-UK got the one billion USD no-bid contract to build obamacare-dot-com, where did that all go??

Even bitcoin almost 14 years from code release still buggy as hell, and creature-feature to the moon, slower than hell;

The USA already has a digital-dollar as 90% or more of all transactions are done elecronically;

The major woke deal about digital-money is to control purchase, to equalize poor & rich;

The rich might have money, but they can't buy anything, the poor have little money but they can buy anything and get 'instant discounts'

We're already seeing this with reparations in san-fran, so the EBT to infinity

The deal is the entire world is NOT impressed with the USA, Russia&CHINA are working at light-speed to bypass the USD; China has digital-money but its largely done with the mobile phone, using ali-pay, which is Jack Ma, taobao/alibaba, it works and no where does anybody take cash anymore

Now that gov has deposed Jack Ma, they have ali-pay in control so they can fine tune the code for social purchasing.

Now back to USA, show me the app in USA? apple-pay? google-cash? paypal? FACEBOOK DC? nada its all a joke

The Fed-Res already has digital banking the problem is the system is broken, the Fed has been the buyer of last resort of t-bonds, but in recent weeks t-bond prices have collapsed making them worthless, which drives selling abroad cuz t-bonds are supposed to be better than gold,

Return on Principal is out, now its return of principal which isn't going to happen, its not just a haircut, its evaporation of wealth;

FED-RES can already print to the moon INFINITY, but that option leads to hyper-inflation

WOKE USA is incompetent, FED-RES bank is exhausted the entire world wants off of the USD bus; When EUROPE stole $300 billion USD from Russian banks that told the world that keeping your money in western banks is dumb, hey folks buy western digital currency is even dumber

It's all about TRADE, when you print to infinity a currency that nobody wants, what is the buying power?

The USA GOV is ran by people that are obsessed with GENITALS, been this way for two generations, its the same in UK; BOJO last year before he got kicked out of office said "Western Governments ONLY exist to keep pedophiles out of prison"


Folks the system is broken in the west; A digital currency in USA, aka uncle-scam version of bitcoin, is the least of your problems

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So typical! Tyranny is fast upon us! R’s & D’s abolished Glass-Steagall and kept Sec 230 for their tyrannical agendas!

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